Mackenzie Benson's profile
Mackenzie Benson
Scappoose, OR10 days ago
my crackhead aunt brought home a free mattress she found on the side of the road one time and so our whole house got infested with bed bugs and we still had them when I ran away to live with my mom so my mom took precautions and made me take off my clothes and put them in a plastic bag and threw everything away and bought me new clothes that night bed bugs are really hard to get rid of once you get them my dad bombed the house 3 times trying to kill them and it still didn't work so I feel for those hotel owners once they find out they're gonna have to start completely from scratch not joking
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Old School's profile
Old School
Henderson, NV10 days ago
I always bring a sleeping bag. First, use a blacklight to see if they are present. If they are, spray the mattress with raid yardgard. It's non-toxic and will kill those little shits. Then get new linen. I always sleep in your bag on top of the bed.
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Cyrna Cassanna's profile
Cyrna Cassanna
Lawrence, KS10 days ago
A friend's son brought them into her home on a visit. Her home got infested. I was unaware of the situation. She came to my home. The bedbugs hitched a ride in her belongings and then infested my home. We tried commercial remedies, didn't work. Online suggestions, like Damascus (sp) Earth, killed a lot but they soon repopulate. The thing that finally rid our home of them was doing what exterminator do. We bought a machine that blows extreme dry heat, sealed the room, and ran it for 2 days. It brought the room temp to over 150°F dry heat. That dehydrated the little nasties into just husk. We did it 3 more times over a 1 month period until we no longer saw a single one. The final 4th run was "just to be positive". I think the machine was like $150 at Home Depot.
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Dennis's profile
Spokane, WA10 days ago
what an idiot. they run from heat, and they don't burrow in the mattress. if you're washing your bedding often. you would see them.
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Fiona's profile
The hotel I worked at was the pits it was a Shamin hotel. And it was revolting the shit they would do. I even actually saw them flip a pissed on mattress over and ordered the bed to be made up instead of closing the room.
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