MsNikkiGem98's profile
Los Angeles, CAโ€ข2 months ago
Mental illness is so rough. The mind can really be your worst enemy. I pray this man stays medicated and sane.
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MurdaWorth81G's profile
Del Rio, TXโ€ข2 months ago
I was diagnosed with drug induced psychosis a few yrs ago I wanted to kill my friend cus I thought he was plotting acting sus but it was all in my head the voices the shadows the paranoia it was all in my head I spent some time in a psych ward but I'm sober now and most of my crazies went away.
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DeAnn Eisenhauer's profile
DeAnn Eisenhauer
Pittston, PAโ€ข2 months ago
Lord please restore this man's mind as when Jesus cast demon(s) out of naked wild looking man its
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Truth Seeker's profile
Truth Seeker
Tecumseh, KSโ€ข2 months ago
sounds like demons are harassing him.a lot of people in mental hospitals have demons influencing them or are possessed.
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Minerva G's profile
Minerva G
Yuma, AZโ€ข2 months ago
He's in s totally different stratosphere. drugs do permanent damage to the brain to the point of complete psychosis even later in life
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