William Weinheimer's profile
William Weinheimer
Lakewood, CO3 days ago
making cops mean, blame mean cops because of what they face. you would be mean, too, if you had to face the same unreasonable person day after day.
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kayCee's profile
Orangeburg, SC23 days ago
The guy is high on drugs… nothing fazes him. I know if a guy that was like this shot 4 times in the heart and continued to fight
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Jackie Cain's profile
Jackie Cain
Marshall, TX18 days ago
Well did they get him. You watch some one will say the cops was wrong but the man that seemed to be high was not wrong the man was going crazy all he had to do was stop and sa I give up then if they kept on him it would be wrong
C'mon Yellowstone volcano's profile
C'mon Yellowstone volcano
Metairie, LAa day ago
at least he's possibly, still alive. these aren't coward cops. this is how you be a police officer. you applied for a dangerous job, bring criminals to justice. instead of firing 13 rounds into an unarmed person. kudos, but F.T.P., per usual!
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Chris Miller's profile
Chris Miller
Freeport, FL2 days ago
dudes high , we whipped a dude once he was high on meth and just like this. we nearly killed the dude but he wouldnt stop.. he walked up to my brother said hey they knew one another my brother talked for a min walked away and he sucker punched my brother in the back of the head dazed my brother so i jumped in and were beating the shit out of this dude cuts all over his face, he refused to quit fighting so another buddy jumped in by this time were tired still fighting and this dude wouldnt stop would take his hands wipe it down his face and lick his blood and scream come get some so again we beat his ass and just like this dude he refused to stop.. luckily i put him in the sleeper hold and put him to sleep.. our mom had pulled up to the store wtf is going on yall killed him. no hes sleeping but we gotta jet hes gonna wake soon and we could hear the police coming. years later he apologized and since has overdosed may be rest in peace
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