Maria Stanley's profile
Maria Stanley
Millstone Township, NJ4 days ago
I am a veterinarian technician, and my husband is a veterinarian, and I would never tell another human being that the dog should be euthanized because it’s a little aggressive or protective towards its home. It’s doing it a job stay off her property and mind your own business Vet tech as a matter of fact, you shouldn’t even be a vet tech, we’re saving animals not destroy them
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Keith Kress's profile
Keith Kress
Anderson, IN4 days ago
it's crazy I've met a few girl " vet techs" and they all kinda acted like this. entitled and they knew absolutely everything about how you should train and keep a dog lol. I thought vet techs wasn't really anything other than a helper for the actual veterinary?
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LE Ewing's profile
LE Ewing
Washington Township, NJ4 days ago
That "new" neighbor needs to be put in her place which is in her home and property. What a karen.
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Sheri Wright's profile
Sheri Wright
Franklinton, LA5 days ago
um maybe the reason she has a dog is for protection. Has that dog gone after the new neighbor??? what a new neighbor you have. Hi, im your new neighbor, ive called animal control on your 5 year old dog, you have had since birth, you need to give up your dog, so it can be put down. I have 3 german shepherds and a rescue mutt. Not only have i had two since birth, and another since 6 weeks old, the rescue was old, half blind,barely any teeth. We love our dogs, they are very spoiled. But they also protect us, in case someone breaks in our house. If i got a new neighbor, and she came over to tell me this about my dogs. i would tell her, you dont like my dogs?? I would suggest she could move. Because my dogs arent going anywhere.
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Loretta Franklin's profile
Loretta Franklin
St. Louis, MO4 days ago
As long as the "aggressive " is up to date on all of it's shots and stays in it's yard, not a thing this trouble maker vet tech with a chip on her shoulder can do.
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