Renee Hall's profile
Renee Hall
Goldsboro, NC2 months ago
I'm 6"2 and I have never been able to meet a man close to my height 🙃 😒. The tallest that I did date was 5"11. It's the short women that get the tall men 😟
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James Couey's profile
James Couey
Bradenton, FL2 months ago
I would love to meet this lady, but I bet shag would like to meet her too. I am 6 foot eight and it’s hard for me to ever find a woman that I can dance with without having to bend over and stoop down.
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Kisha's profile
Hanover, MDa month ago
my husband is 6'10" and he loves picking me up putting me on his shoulders as and it scares me just to be that high up away from the ground
Anonymous's profile
She looks like she is wearing ugly Frankenstein boots! That detracts from her sexiness and looks weird. I would rather see her painted toe nails in sandals or even barefoot. Now that would be hot!
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