UltraC's profile
Ocala, FL12 days ago
If I were a cop and saw that rolling down the street, I'd pull it over just because of how suspicious it looks. I fucking hate thieves!!!
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Trisha's profile
Middletown, DE13 days ago
he left tail gate down to not expose the plate but you can clearly still see it older trucks if left down it actually would the plate but newer ones fixed that years ago for that.. so n he needs to wear underwear nobody wants to see all that a$$
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Lulu Lopo's profile
Lulu Lopo
Jacksonville, FL13 days ago
guess he figured if other people can just walk out of a store with stolen merchandise and not be charged so can he.
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SweetBubblez's profile
Like bro if you don’t have money why steal I don’t get it. Eventually if you save you’ll be able to buy it one day if you have a job.
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Angela D's profile
Angela D
New Richmond, OH9 days ago
WTH..people never seem to amaze me anymore! How about get a job and buy the shit you need to!! Damn Bumb !!!
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