Kelli Tucker's profile
Kelli Tucker
Atlanta, GA2 months ago
that was no pipe he hit that man with a sledgehammer and took his pistol. I don't think that would have been easy to do in my community
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Matt's profile
Memphis, TN2 months ago
It’s funny because the same people end up on a T-shirt, and then the government implements more laws to keep us from protecting ourselves
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Nathan Tabor's profile
Nathan Tabor
Oxford, MI2 months ago
As soon as that dude put the gun in his pants, he would've been lit up and shoved into on coming traffic and hopefully be ran tf over. You can't be can't slippn these days. People need to be aware of this shit going on and not have that it won't happen to me attitude. You really can't trust anyone to do right anymore.
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Herschel Steinberg 's profile
Herschel Steinberg
Cleveland, OH2 months ago
Caught dude slippin... Dude looked geeked, then to get smacked with what look like a sledgehammer?!?!...?? He didn't have a chance. Lesson is dont get caught slippin.. Measure yo geek!!! When u geeked a pistol means either a bad mistake or this...
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Steve Jr Steve's profile
Steve Jr Steve
Shelby Township, MIa month ago
Yea dude would have been dead in about half a swing of that hammer. Why carry a gun if you’re afraid to use it or just going to let somebody take it from you. This boggles my mind.
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