evelyn carrion's profile
evelyn carrion
Philadelphia, PAa month ago
Not a reaction that’s average from a parent but they kept it cool I was expecting more but it nice he didn’t get to mad I knew he was not in trouble when he picks up the dog and say to bite him 🥰😂good that it’s fake
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Pamla Christian's profile
Pamla Christian
New York City, NYa month ago
Noah you seem to have a cool, understanding Dad. Stay on the straight and narrow road. Keep your Dad in the loop. He can assist you with avoiding things, that he may have already experienced.
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Susan Miller's profile
Susan Miller
BEFORE you get one, look around at some of the older folks that have them. That's what you'll look like in a few years. Piercings, spacers,... the whole thing. Think.. It's like wearing the same shirt for the rest of your life.
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Guest's profile
Honolulu, HIa month ago
or the damn what the dog to bite of that's off the chain bite them bite them bite him lol I'm laughing out loud so hard These kids will man spring some wild ones on the parents I mean we know y'all growing and all but we expect better out of you guys We raised you to be better they'll come home with anything outside of what we raised you to do okay thank you thank you very much
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Localgirl29's profile
Perris, CAa month ago
When he lifted his shirt from the bottom and exposed his tummy, as fat as mine is I tried to tighten it for when pops punched him in his. Pops is sweet💜
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