Brian Yeager's profile
Brian Yeager
Crestline, CAa month ago
Gentleman ... the woman isn't really being a bitch or a karen. You Gentleman are indeed parked 'fully' in a non parking erea. So, to me, yall are the ones not being understanding but acting as though you're privileged in some way?! She isn't wrong ... and just because her tail is over the line, it tells you that isn't a parking space for 'you' - "pretend there was an island there", infact, back in the day, we actually built parking lots this way with cement islands where there wasn't supposed to be any parking... bc no one can park there!? But it was because lames like you, busting up your rims or tripping over them that we stopped! Think about that EVERYONE POSTING BS COMMENTS THAT THE WOMAN IS a KAREN.I know, hypocritical as it may seem, she was indeed right in having her attitude of exasperation. Then pigs pulled extremely close to her car when parking... Why the fck do that!? It shows ThEy don't have respect or courtesy towards others or the property of others...
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Ant White's profile
Ant White
She's not wrong. She parked in an end spot so others don't park around her. Then some douchbag bikers park around her illegally.
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Cisco's profile
Portland, ORa month ago
She did a good job of just moving her car instead of arguing with annoying people. So satisfying when the worst happens to you types 🙂
Ron Joner's profile
Ron Joner
Greenville, SCa month ago
actually I don't blame her 90% of the parking space was of our empty when she pulled forward they could have parked anywhere
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Alex Aviles's profile
Alex Aviles
Lakeland, FLa month ago
u had to park there cause there was absolutely no other parking available, moron ur stupid I would have told u to get bike out of my parking spot.
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