Tony Montana Jr.'s profile
Tony Montana Jr.
Philadelphia, PA2 months ago
ya put the police down for abusing there power and over reacting, this cop didn't do anything when she should have been doin alot more then walking around with a taser gun on her radio.
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Alice's profile
Everyday fighting, killing, gun violence. This is what the government wants. When are people going to ban together and fight the government? They are sitting in front of the TV laughing while stealing tax payers money.
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Kevin Geddes's profile
Kevin Geddes
Rigby, ID2 months ago
If I were a COP in California I'd do nothing either. There was nothing life threatening about this flight. If they would have stepped in, they would have been sued for millions$. A lot of you asked for it , remember refund the police? This is the result.
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--'s profile
Stevenson, AL2 months ago
you snowflakes scream" DEFUND THE POLICE" and belittle law enforcement, then when you NEED them, you're complaining they aren't doing nothing, this is what you get.
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Carla R.'s profile
Carla R.
Fayetteville, AR3 months ago
As a forensic geek, stuff like this makes me heartbroken. No appreciation for law here.
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