It's The Truth's profile
It's The Truth
New Port Richey, FLa month ago
A gator came out of the lake. My sister and brother in law live on and took a fish my cousin had just caught. He was visiting from the northeast and just said,"I Think I'm done fishing."
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Krys's profile
Orlando, FL25 days ago
I’ve seen them climb fences, stairs, and even getting inside boats and stuff. To be honest this doesn’t even scare me, he was focused on the fish. It’s the CROCS u gotta watch out for. Crocs will hunt you. Gators VERY RARELY will go after a human. And usually only does if a human is being stupid around them. Gators are the least of ur worries. Those crocs tho, they are terrifying!
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Donna Gillespie's profile
Donna Gillespie
Tampa, FL25 days ago
I think Your family member is very lucky that the gator did not rush him these things can run very fast. Just run and let the gator get that darn fish . This is how they come after small dogs 🐕 and drag them in to eat. Is your family member from up North.?? Gators can get to speeds up to about 30 miles an hour . Be very crazy when they are hungry they will get you. I was born and raised in Fla. and give them great respect as one got my dog when I was in my teens, and I was standing right beside him took him by his face and pulled him in the water he later died broke my heart and my dad killed the gator. true story be careful.
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Puddin’Tane Bear's profile
Puddin’Tane Bear
Titusville, FLa month ago
I would have dropped that pole and run off. That gator was so close to his legs that it could have ended badly.
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NY Patriot's profile
NY Patriot
Brooksville, FLa month ago
We were fishing out of kayaks when we noticed one 10’ away just watching and waiting for us as we were reeling our fish in. He played like a submarine when he noticed us watching him..
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