BeautifulNuk's profile
Houston, TX6 days ago
The guy is asking for help and asking her to call the police. He’s afraid of something or someone. Looks like he was maybe being chased or he could have taken some bad drugs and was tripped out, or he could be schizophrenic and thinks someone is chasing him.
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Something1's profile
Atwater, CA6 days ago
She did the “RIGHT THING” . Even if he did say “Help police” , how can she know what’s happening outside? She was right to not open the door, but she should have called the police right away.
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Kimble Neal's profile
Kimble Neal
Memphis, TN6 days ago
He said police help, please call them and call the police. They was he was looking around looks to me like he was scared of something or someone .
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cheyenne whipkey's profile
cheyenne whipkey
Rochelle, TX6 days ago
he literally said call the police, he probably was scared for his life whether on drugs or not and maybe he dove through the window as a last resort to get the homeowner to get the police
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Debbie Jefferson's profile
Debbie Jefferson
Cleveland, OH6 days ago
should have called the ,polce he said police help, he must of really been afraid to dive through a winow
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