La Tonya Beard's profile
La Tonya Beard
She's trash for that. She said, "I always knew, I'm not marriage material." WTH did you waste the man's time? That was selfish as hell.
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Nat...'s profile
Thibodaux, LA2 months ago
This dude done lost who he is because she is in full control over his mind... As soon as she speaks, he bows his head down
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Karina Robel's profile
Karina Robel
Bremerton, WA2 months ago
what happened to the guy who stood up for marriage in Hollywood??? that is a broken man and a crazy woman. SAD
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UncleMan's profile
Lexington, NC2 months ago
Matthew 19:24. And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.
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Moon Child's profile
Moon Child
Cloudcroft, NM2 months ago
It’s sad to watch. You let everyone in your personal business. Something needs to be kept private. Wishing you both the best .
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