Edgar Turner's profile
Edgar Turner
Robbins, IL7 days ago
To all people that are attracted to minors. You know you have an illegal problem. Get some help immediately before you hurt a child and or you go to jail for a long time and have a felony conviction for life.
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Justin Best's profile
Justin Best
Farmington, CT7 days ago
The guy recording did absolutely zero things except probably annoy the fuck out of everyone involved. Be more like the guy in the red you ass hat.
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you’re killin me, smalls's profile
you’re killin me, smalls
Can you arrest the guy recording next. He’s obnoxious with repeating himself.
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Debby Perez's profile
Debby Perez
Salinas, CA6 days ago
Good job cops and thanks for the big help Mr in the red sweater and you will you shut up you narrator say ing stop we got one today we got one today you ain’t getting away ,,, because I didn’t see you help the cops in any way just from a distance with your stupid camera !!!!!!!!!
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Rox Chillady's profile
Rox Chillady
Phoenix, AZ6 days ago
Guard your kids, school, church, gym, scouts, friends, family, and because of predators. Drugs, buying stuff you can't or won't. Brazen to a new level. Dayum phones have opened up a Pandora box 🤨
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