boom clap's profile
boom clap
Gardena, CA21 days ago
more dangerous to stop on the highway than anything else. and because of that one accident, does not mean it’s going to happen every time a ship crosses under a bridge. they’ve been doing it for 100 years and they’ll do it 100 more.
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FU BAR's profile
Thousands of ships pass under bridges everyday.. The people at the helms are professionals. What happened in Baltimore was a freak accident, which primary cause appears to be electrical mechanical failure. Stop living in fear. You have a greater chance of being reared ended by another car on that bride, than being involved in a bridge collapse!
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Nortex D's profile
Nortex D
Dallas, TX19 days ago
That’s what do you call people with only knowledge from social media and are extremely ridiculous. Stay off of TikTok or else end up like these people
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Ed Watts's profile
Ed Watts
San Jacinto, CA11 days ago
We have become a nation of neurotic 'fraidycats! And the "Ohmygodmygodmygodmygod..." coming from the lips of someone who, almost certainly, would deny God's existence, is irony at its finest.
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Ben Leiss's profile
Ben Leiss
Johnsonville, SC18 days ago
I can understand the driver being scared and taking caution but sometimes overthinking something can have dire consequences. just take the necessary precautions and be careful to not cause a avoidable accident because you ignored your surroundings. her fear wasn't an emergency for anyone but her but it could have become everybody's on that side has other drivers not been paying attention
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