RikkSmakk 's profile
Denver, COa month ago
Ok, so the coin on the door I could understand........but WTF is up with the others? Someone help me understand..I might be turning full re-re
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kathy patterson's profile
kathy patterson
Woodward, OKa month ago
what the fuck is this shit , people are just doing shit that doesn't matter
DENNIS T. MENACE's profile
Arlington, WA23 days ago
I think it's just some moron trying to get watches, and likes to try and make money off of stupid shit!
Denise Smith's profile
Denise Smith
Elizabethtown, KY13 days ago
Butt uh Butt uh Butt uh Butt uh yep yep yep to the funny farm Where Life is Beautiful All the Time And I’ll be Happy to see the Nice Young Men in their Nice White Suits Heeee Heeeee Haaaaa And We’ll All be Happy There !!!!
Vicki Hartwig's profile
Vicki Hartwig
Los Angeles, CA13 days ago
HUGE pause... school is supposed to teach you academics...Reading, writing, math, inferencing, logic... PARENTS are supposed to teach safety, respect, social skills, basic hygiene, family traditions, turn taking, basic knowledge of right and wrong, kindness, self regulation, self control...where did this get confused...teachers can and should reinforce these...but it is the parents responsibility to teach and model...maybe this is why there is a nation wide teacher shortage...
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